PTPDE Annual Meetings cover the business of treasury and committee reports and voting for Officers and Board Members. However, our gatherings go beyond that. Every year we look forward to the heartwarming fellowship as we celebrate the past year's achievements and look ahead to the coming year's projects and events. Although the Annual meeting is a business meeting, it is truly a social gathering at heart where People to People, we meet and get to know one another and foster our mission of promoting Peace through Understanding.


PTPDE Met at Newark Senior Center on June 20, 2024

President, Tyler Johnson, hosted the meeting where we reveiewed fiscal year of July 1, 2023 to June 30. 2024. Slides from the meeting can be downloaded for review here.

PTPDE Guest, Dr. Kelechi Lawrence of DE Africa Coalition with PTPDE Members, Steven Marinello & Ed Raleigh

Newly Elected PTPDE Board Member, Dr. Jay Macklin of The Academy for Peace with Dr. Kelechi Lawrence of DE Africa Coalition, PTPDE Member, Steven Marinello & Newly Appointed PTPDE Advisor, Miriam Marinello

PTPDE Executive Director, Aisha Al Hajjar

PTPDE Member, Mohammed Al Hajjar with PTPDE Executive Director, Aisha Al Hajjar & PTPDE VP of Programs, Justin Collier

PTPDE Guest, Susan Lake with PTPDE Member, Shay Seaborne

PTPDE VP of Membership, Sharon Cooper

Dinner Catered by Indian Sizzler Restaurant

PTPDE Guest Louise Rolleri, Friend & Pup

PTPDE Members & Guests Enjoying the Meeting

Keynote Speaker, Maureen Zieber of the Iron Hill Museum Presenting "What is a Powwow"

Newly Elected PTPDE Board Member, Grace Vild

Newly Elected PTPDE Board Member, Dr. Jay Macklin of The Academy for Peace

PTPDE Past Co-President, Jean Raleigh honored with the People Helping People Award with PTPDE Executive Director, Aisha Al Hajjar

Past Co-Presidents, Dr. Saleem Khan & Jean Raleigh

Retiring PTPDE VP of Public Relations, Mary Cella, with PTPDE President, Tyler Johnson

Retiring PTPDE VP of Public Relations, Mary Cella, with PTPDE Executive Director, Aisha Al Hajjar

PTPDE Guest, Dr. Kelechi Lawrence of DE Africa Coalition

PTPDE Guest, Carol Grygiel, Executive Director of the Newark Senior Center

PTPDE Executive Director, Aisha Al Hajjar & PTPDE President, Tyler Johnson

Retiring PTPDE VP of Public Relations, Mary Cella, with PTPDE Past Co-President, Dr. Saleem Khan

PTPDE Past Co-President, Dr. Saleem Khan

Retiring PTPDE VP of Public Relations, Mary Cella, with PTPDE Executive Director, Aisha Al Hajjar & PTPDE President, Tyler Johnson

PTPDE Guest, Stu Merkel of the Returned Peace Corp Volunteers of Delaware

Newly Elected PTPDE VP of Public Relations, Dr. Yulia Watters with Newly Elected PTPDE Board Member, Grace Vild

PTPDE Teen Volunteer, Faris Al Hajjar with PTPDE Guest, Fatima Baqir


June 20, 2024 Annual Meeting Recap

We had a lovely time at the PTPDE Annual Meeting last night. Thanks to everyone who attended in-person and online. For those who couldn't make it, please know that you were missed and we hope to see you at some of our events scheduled in the coming months. You can view the meeting slides from It is heart warming to see so many of our members continuing to support PTPDE and we are thrilled to welcome several new members as well.

Our President, Tyler Johnson, did a great job entertaining us throughout the evening with his jovial presentation style.

We enjoyed Maureen Zieber's presentation, What is a Powwow, and we look forward to joining the Native American community for the Linda Zieber Memorial Powwow at Iron Hill Museum on September 28th--be sure to save the date!

We voted to approve our slate of 2024-2025 Board Members. We would like to thank Barbara Theiss, Dr. Naveed Baqir, Sharon Cooper, Carl Hutter, Ami Patel, and Dr. Erin Zoranski, whose terms were renewed for two more years, for their continued service to PTPDE. We would also like to welcome and thank the following new Officers and Board Members:

  • Dr. Yulia Watters, VP of Public Relations

  • Erin Bastien, VP of Hosting

  • Dr. Jay Macklin, Board Member

  • Grace Vild, Board Member

Tyler accepted Board retirements from Mary Cella, former VP of Public Relations, and Andres Rodriguez, former Board Member. Both will transition to our Advisory Board and we thank them for their past and continued service to PTPDE in this way. Tyler also announced two new Advisor appointments, Miriam Marinello and Raelena Taylor and we welcome them both to their new roles as well.

Of course we also acknowledge and appreciate the Officers, Board Members, and Advisors who were not up for renewal and who are continuing to serve in their roles at PTPDE.

We also voted to approve the proposed update to our bylaws to coincide with our status as an independent entity, rather than a chapter of our predecessor PTPI, and to update some of our VP position details.

Besides the usual treasury and committee updates, we honored Jean Raleigh with the annual People Helping People award. We also played a fun game of BINGO and there were many delighted winners. Thanks to everyone who donated prizes to the BINGO treasure box! Special thanks to Michael Lynch, PTPDE Advisor, for serving as photographer extraordinaire.

Special mentions to the following attending persons from partner organizations:

  • Carla Grygiel of Newark Senior Center for hosting our event

  • Sami Kazi of Indian Sizzler for catering our event

  • Guest Speaker, Maureen Zieber, and Silver Zieber from Iron Hill Museum for sharing Native American culture

  • Tasha Woodard of The Academy for Peace for the delightful corn bread and Native American jelly

  • Dr. Kelechi Lawrence, Alexis Whilbyu and Judy Malcolm from the Delaware Africa Coalition

  • Stu Merkel of Returned Peace Corp Volunteers of Delaware

We also had several virtual attendees from sister chapters of PTP, including Newlove Bobson Atiso from PTP Togo, Franklin Okello from PTP Kenya, and Leslie Kearney from PTPLA. We were glad to see them join us and to share PTPDE's progress and programs.

We look forward to your continued participation and engagement with PTPDE and appreciate your support as a part of the mission to promote Peace Through Understanding.


PTPDE Met at Tarbiyah School on June 7, 2023

Tyler Johnson was elected President and hosted the meeting where we reviewed fiscal year of July 1, 2022 to June 30. 2023. Slides from the meeting can be downloaded for review here.

PTPDE Guest, Tasha Woodard of the Academy of Peace, PTPDE Member, Dr. Yulia Watters, PTPDE VP of Membership, Sharon Cooper, PTPDE Board Member, Dr. Erin Zoranski, PTPDE Guest, Dr. Jay Macklin of the Academy of Peace

PTPDE Advisor and Retired VP of Programs, Anna White with PTPDE Past Co-President, Dr. Saleem Khan Presenting the People Helping People Award