Make Us Visible DE
Make Us Visible DE has been organizing since 2023, advocating for Asian American history in our Delaware schools. PTPDE attended their community launch on September 30, 2023 at the Chinese American Community Center (CACC) in Hockessin, Delaware to support awareness of the contributions of Asian Americans in our country's history.
Delaware Governor to Sign Asian American History Bill Thursday, Requiring All Racial History in Curriculum
Wilmington, DE — On Thursday, September 26, 2024, Make Us Visible Delaware’s Senate Bill 297 will be signed by Delaware Governor John Carney into law, requiring the integration of Asian American and Pacific Islander history and all other racial histories into Delaware schools.
Delaware will officially be the seventh state in the nation to adopt Asian American history requirements through legislation. Other states include IL, NJ, CT, RI, FL, and WI.
Make Us Visible DE is led by Co-Directors Devin Jiang and Y.F. Lou. They view SB 297 as a preventative measure and solution to guard against racist rhetoric and violence towards Asian Americans.
The bill signing will take place Thursday (9/26) at 10:40 AM in the Governor’s Wilmington Office, located at 820 N French St, Wilmington, DE 19801, 12th floor.
June 26, 2024
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander History, Inclusive History Bill Passes Legislature, Heads to Governor’s Desk to be Signed into Law
Dover, DE — Make Us Visible Delaware’s Senate Bill 297, requiring the integration of all American histories into K-12 classrooms, including Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) history, passed the Delaware House of Representatives unanimously this afternoon.
SB 297 now heads to Governor John Carney for his signature. Delaware is poised to become the seventh state in the nation to adopt Asian American history requirements through legislation. Other states include IL, NJ, CT, RI, FL, and WI. Make Us Visible is proud to have led efforts in 5 of these states.
Over the last year, MUV DE worked closely with community stakeholders and lawmakers in Delaware, raising awareness surrounding the urgency of including AANHPI history in the state’s K-12 curriculum. Led by Co-Directors Devin Jiang and Y.F. Lou, MUV DE held community engagement events throughout the state, with speakers including students, parents, educators, and elected officials.
SB 297, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Bryan Townsend, Senator Sturgeon, Representative Sophie Philips, and Representative Bill Bush, received five co-sponsors in the Senate and five co-sponsors in the House.
“I’m hopeful for a Delaware where students of any racial, cultural, or ethnic group can see themselves reflected in their textbooks. Delaware has an opportunity to stand against anti-Asian American bullying and embrace visibility for all,” said Jiang.
“Without representation in education, there are stereotypes and limited portrayals of Asian Americans. There is such a vast and rich diversity within the Asian American community, and often we’re seen through a narrow lens which negates this,” said Gloria Ho, a Delaware school social worker and MUV DE Steering Committee Member.
“Let us celebrate the contribution that immigrants make to our state and nation. The enactment of SB 297 is a great step forward!” said Guat-Lian Kreamer, MUV DE Steering Committee Member.
“I realized that even after so many years of history classes, I still knew nothing about Chinese Americans. It seemed that my people came out of nowhere—as if I didn't have a real history. This bill will change that,” said Alex Chen, who attended Delaware schools.
Make Us Visible Delaware is part of a nationwide coalition of students, parents, teachers, and neighbors dedicated to developing a long-term preventative solution rooted in education as a response to anti-Asian American bullying, hate, and violence. Make Us Visible comprises 24 state chapters and has developed free K-12 educational resources on its website (www.makeusvisible.org/resources).
Devin Jiang, Co-Director, Make Us Visible Delaware
UPDATE: On May 9, 2024, Senator Bryan Townsend introduced SB 297 in the Delaware Senate, which would not only integrate the history of Asian Americans into Delaware K-12 local curricula, but also the history of ALL racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. This is a historic bill for Delaware. We stand behind Devin Jiang, the young man who co-founded Make Us Visible Delaware through his work with Public Policy at the University of Delaware. Moredetails can be found at the links below.
Make Us Visible Delaware pushes for more Asian American history in K-12 education